User guides for many of the features of the textivate site... (N.B. All links open in a new tab or window.)
Getting started
For students
Overview - What can I do with textivate?
- Exploiting texts
- How can I use textivate?
- Micro-tools for teachers.
- What's new?
- Textivate with an IWB - 1 - Text activities
- Examples of written text activities (inspired by The Language Teacher Toolkit)
- Resource management - uploading, assigning, accessing - an overview
- What do all the icons mean?
- Terminology: resource? activity? sequence? challenge?
- Resource management - uploading, assigning, accessing - an overview
Making your own resources
- The "textivate>>" button
- Exploiting texts
- Using the textivate tabs
- DO THIS before you do anything else...
- Making a text-based resource.
- Matching / vocab exercises.
- Matching resources... L1>L2 or L2>L1?
- Text + Matching in a single resource
- Image-based matching resources
- Text-to-Speech (TTS)
- Matching TTS to text using speak::
Talking pictures? Adding TTS to image-based resources
- Excluding particular activities from the menu screen
- Match resources with a receptive focus
- Match resources with a productive focus
- Parallel text KOs in textivate
- Resource management - uploading, assigning, accessing - an overview
- An overview of various Sound Match resource types
- Introducing "CHALLENGES" on textivate
- Sequence? Challenge? What's the difference?
- Team challenges
- Team challenges: how to get individual student scores
- Excluding particular activities from the menu
- Team challenges: Setting and enforcing team names
- Parameters for Challenges
Submitting homework / classwork / assessment -- Sequences
- Introducing "SEQUENCES" on textivate.
- More on Sequences.
- Sequences for literacy work in any subject.
- A textivate sequence = a substantial piece of homework.
- From the student's perspective: submitting sequence data.
- Resource preview option.
- "Protected" resources.
- Sequences based on activities from more than one resource
- The shared student password.
- Managing classes / setting up individual student passwords
- Things to consider when making a sequence... (long)
- Score too low / self-reducing targets...
Adding more: TTS / video / audio / big picture / parallel text / exclusions
- Text-to-Speech (TTS)
- Embedding video.
Embedding audio.
- Adding a big picture.
- Parallel texts.
Overview with examples of all of the above.
- Dictation
- Translation
- Not quite translation: L1 notes to L2 text
- Reading & listening comprehension
- Scaffolding listening
- Exploiting songs
- Word-clouds with textivate / Text-based word clouds
- Find the French / Spanish / German, etc
- Excluding / removing activities from the menu
Assigning, sharing & embedding
- Sharing & embedding textivate resources / activities.
- Assigning / sharing links with classes.
- Fine-tuning your textivate urls (via the share box)
- "Protected" resources.
- The shared student password.
- Managing classes / setting up individual student passwords
- Group subscriptions: sharing resources with group members
- Resource management - uploading, assigning, accessing - an overview
Text-to-speech (TTS)
- Introducing text-to-speech (TTS) on textivate
- TTS to make activities with spoken prompts only (Sound Match)
- Talking pictures? Adding TTS to image-based resources
Textivate Plus
- Textivate Plus is a growing section of the textivate site containing ready-made textivate resources which can only be accessed by textivate subscribers:
- There are several blog posts which deal with printing worksheets, but this one is the most comprehensive and includes video tutorials as well as links to example worksheets.
User-defined gap-fill
Textivate resource types: Public / Shareable / Private / MySite
- Tabs
- The "textivate>>" button
- Textivate icon reference
- Accented characters
- Guided translation activities.
Menu-screen glossing.
- Dual language parallel texts to introduce vocabulary
- Dictation for homework.
- Scaffolding listening.
- Exploiting songs.
- Students learning for speaking assessments / CAs
- Making reading comprehension activities
- Specifying "wrong" answers for multi-choice activities
- Making a Multiple Choice Quiz
- Combining reading with multi-choice vocab reinforcement
Character-based languages - some pointers
- Colour schemes
- Re-using your TaskMagic3 file contents in textivate
- Textivate vs TaskMagic3 - what's the difference?
- Using textivate to practise a model text, then adapt it
- Trapdoor
- Trapdoor translation
- Not quite translation: L1 notes to L2 text
- The shared student password.
- Managing classes / setting up individual student passwords
- Split by sentence or by word count?
- Chunking / Working with chunks
- Working with written texts (inspired by The Language Teacher Toolkit)
- Parallel text Knowledge Organisers in textivate
- An overview of various Sound Match resource formats
- Resource management - uploading, assigning, accessing - an overview
A-Z index
- Accented characters
- Accessing my saved resources (resource management - an overview)
- Activity (textivity), resource, sequence, challenge - terminology explained
- Activity types / categories - ideas for working with written texts
- Adapt model text (after practice)
- Assigning activities (resource management - an overview)
- Assigning to classes
- Audio - adding a parallel audio player
- Available activities? View using the "textivate>>" button
- Big picture - parallel image
- Challenges - 1 - an introduction
- Challenges - 2 - team challenges
- Challenges - 3 - excluding activities
- Challenges - 4 - Setting and enforcing team names
- Challenges - 5 - setting parameters for activities
- Challenges - 6 - getting individual student scores for team challenges
- Challenge vs sequence - what's the difference?
- Challenge, activity (textivity), resource, sequence - terminology explained
- Character-based languages - some pointers
- Chunking / Working with chunks
- Classes - set up and manage student passwords
- Classes - sharing links
- Clear away the clutter before making a new resource
- Clues / prompts for user-defined gapfill
- Colour schemes
- Combining reading with multi-choice vocab reinforcement
- Dictation
- Do this before you start making a new resource
- Dual language parallel texts to introduce vocabulary
- Embedding activities on other pages
- Emptying the textivate tabs before making a new resource
- Excluding activities from the menu screen
- Exploiting a Knowledge Organiser (parallel text)
- Exploiting a picture
- Exploiting songs
- Exploiting texts
- Exploiting videos
- Failed sequence activity, score too low?
- "Find the French / German / Spanish..." activities
- Fine-tuning activity URLs
- Fine-tuning activities within Challenges
- Gapfill types - random and user-defined
- Gapfill (user-defined) - adding clues / prompts
- Gapfill (user-defined) - adding multiple-word gaps
- Gapfill (user-defined) - adding red herrings
- Glossing (menu / sequence preview screens)
- Google translate beater? L1 notes to L2 text
- Group subscriptions: sharing resources with group members
- Homework - challenges (see challenges above)
- Homework - sequences (see sequences below)
- Homework - worksheets
- How can I use textivate?
- How does Textivate work? (resource management)
- How do I assign to students? (resource management)
- How do I see the activities for my text? The "textivate>>" button
- Icon reference (what the icons mean)
- Ideas for working with written texts
- Images - making a match resource with images
- Input focus in Match resources
- Inputting special / accented characters
- IWB use (ideas for text resources)
- Knowledge Organisers (KOs), parallel text, exploiting to the max
- L1 notes to L2 text (not quite translation)
- Latest additions
- Learning your own work (for students)
- Links in textivate - sharing with classes
- Listening (scaffolding)
- Making a multiple choice quiz
- Making a resource - 1 - text
- Making a resource - 2 - match
- Making a resource - 3 - text+match
- Making reading comprehension activities
- Managing classes / student passwords
- Match resource - how to make
- Match resource - L1/L2 order
- Match resource - making image-based resources
- Match resources with a productive focus
- Match resources with a receptive focus
- Match resources with audio (via TTS)
- Memorizing your own work (for students)
- Menu screen - glossing
- Menu screen - removing / excluding activities
- Micro-listening tasks
- Micro-tools for [language] teachers
- Model texts (practise, then adapt)
- Multi-choice activities - specifying "wrong" answers
- Multi-choice vocab reinforcement with reading activities
- Multiple choice quizzes
- Multiple-resource sequences
- Multiple word gaps for user-defined gapfill
- MySite resources
- New features
- New resource - do this before you start
- Not quite translation: L1 notes to L2 text
- Output (productive) focus in Match resources
- Overview of parallel text / image / audio / video
- Parallel audio - adding an audio player
- Parallel image - adding a big picture
- Parallel texts - an introduction
- Parallel texts - auto-generated word cloud
- Parallel texts - dual language, to introduce vocabulary
- Parallel texts - "Find the French..."
- Parallel text Knowledge Organiser (KOs) in textivate
- Parallel video - exploiting videos
- Parallels (text, image, audio, video) - an overview
- Parameters for Challenge activities
- Practise model text, then adapt
- Printing worksheets
- Productive focus in Match resources
- Prompts / clues for user-defined gapfill
- "Protected" resources
- Reading activities with multi-choice vocab reinforcement
- Reading comprehension activities - how to make
- Receptive focus in Match resources
- Red herrings in user-defined gapfill
- Removing activities from the menu screen
- Resource, activity (textivity), sequence, challenge - terminology explained
- Resource management - an overview
- Resource preview (sequences)
- Resource types - public, shareable, private, mysite
- Re-using TaskMagic3 contents in textivate
- Scaffolding listening
- Scaffolding translation
- Score too low (but higher than target, no?)
- Sequences - 1 - an introduction
- Sequences - 2 - why sequences? (a rationale)
- Sequences - 3 - submitting data (from the student perspective)
- Sequences - 4 - literacy work in any subject (example)
- Sequences - 5 - adding a text / vocab preview
- Sequences - 6 - sequences based on multiple resources
- Sequences - 7 - things to consider when making
- Sequence activity failed / score too low?
- Sequence vs challenge - what's the difference?
- Sequence, resource, activity (textivity), challenge - terminolgy explained
- Setting and enforcing team names for challenges
- Sharing resources - 1 - sharing and embedding
- Sharing resources - 2 - sharing with classes
- Sharing resources - 3 - fine-tuning activity URLs
- Sharing resources with group members (Group subscriptions only)
- Sharing resources - 4 - "protected" resources
- Songs - lots of ideas for exploiting
- Sound Match options in textivate: an overview
- Speaking assessments - student preparation
- Special characters
- Specifying configuration of activity via URL
- Specifying "wrong" answers for multi-choice activities
- Split by sentence or by word count?
- Student passwords (how to create individual passwords)
- Student password (shared)
- Students: simple guide on using textivate to learn your own work
- Students learning for speaking assessments
- Suggestions for working with written texts
- Tabs (index page)
- Target scores for sequences - self-reducing targets
- TaskMagic3 (re-using TM3 contents in textivate)
- TaskMagic3 vs textivate - what's the difference?
- Terminology - resource, activity (textivity), sequence, challenge
- Textivate's home page: resource management
- Textivate Plus
- TEXTIVATING your text: the "textivate>>" button
- Textivity (activity), resource, sequence, challenge - terminology explained
- Text resource - how to make
- Text+Match resource - how to make
- Text to speech - 1 - introduction and support info
- Text to speech - 2 - activities with spoken prompts only (Sound Match)
- Text to speech - 3 - image based resources / talking pictures
- The "textivate>>" button
- Translation (scaffolding ideas)
- Translation (not quite -- L1 notes to L2 text)
- Trapdoor
- Trapdoor translation
- User-defined gapfill - adding clues / prompts
- User-defined gapfill - adding multiple-word gaps
- User-defined gapfill - adding red herrings
- Video - adding an embedded video player
- Viewing your exercises: the "textivate>>" button
- Vocab resource - combining with dual language parallel texts
- Vocab resource - how to make
- Vocab resource - L1/L2 order
- Vocab resource - making image-text matching resources
- Vocab resources with a productive focus
- Vocab resources with a receptive focus
- Ways of using textivate
- What's new?
- Word clouds (auto-generated)
- Working with chunks / Chunking
- Working with written texts (activity ideas)
- Worksheets (printing)
- "Wrong" answers for multi-choice activities