This post discusses terminology used within textivate: resource; activity; sequence; challenge.
A resource is a text entered into the "Text" tab, or a list of matching items added to the "Match" tab, or both of these.
A resource may or may not contain extra bits such as a parallel text, or a link to a video, an audio file or an image. It may or may not contain details of a sequence of activities (see below).
A resource is, essentially, the contents of the "Show all" tab on the textivate home page.
You upload this to textivate using the upload icon.
When you click on "textivate now" you go to a menu page for your resource, which has icons for lots of different activities (see the image below). If your students access the menu for your resource, they are free to choose from the activities and attempt them in any order.
If your resource is uploaded to textivate as a 'shareable' or 'public' resource, you can share a link to your resource either via the home page (edit screen) or the menu page, by clicking on the "Share" icon at the top-right. (This will provide a link to the home page or the menu page, depending on where you copy the link from.)
Activity / Textivity
Activities (A.K.A. textivities) are the many games and exercises that are (mostly) automatically generated by textivate based on your resource.
If your students have access to the menu page for a resource, they are free to choose from the activities and attempt them in any order.
If your resource is uploaded to textivate as a 'shareable' or 'public' resource, you can provide a direct link to any activity. To do this, go to the activity page and click on the "Share" icon at the top-right. (You can also embed activities on other web pages, blogs etc via the same "Share" icon.)
A sequence is an optional addition to a resource, added to the resource via the "Sequence" tab.
A sequence consists of a list of activities from your resource, with target scores and various other parameters set, and students have to complete the sequence of activities in the order specified.
At the end of a sequence, after completing all activities satisfactorily, students can upload their sequence scores to textivate so that their teacher has a record of the time taken, scores, repeats etc.
Sequences do not have a time limit, although sequence scores are only stored for 30 days.
If you want your students to access your sequence, you need to provide them with the sequence URL. First, make sure that the resource uploaded to textivate as a 'shareable' or 'public' resource. Then click on the "Share" icon at the top-right of the home page, the menu page, or any activity page; click the "Link to sequence" option, then copy the URL from the URL box and share this with your students.(You can also get an embed code for your sequence via the "Share" icon on any of the activity pages.)
(Only Premium and Group subscribers can use sequences.)
See this blog post on sequences (and see the other related links at the bottom of that post) and this blog post on the differences between sequences and challenges.
A challenge is completely separate from your resources. (It is saved separately and is not part of an existing resource.)
A challenge is a scoreboard competition for individuals or teams based on one or more of your own resources.
When taking part in a challenge, students are free to choose from all of the activities on the menu page for your resource and they can attempt them as many times as they like and in any order. After completing each activity satisfactorily, points are added to the scoreboard. Students can go back and look at the scoreboard at any point to see how they are ranked.
You create challenges using the "Challenge" icon (the trophy) on the textivate home page.
Challenges have a time limit (5 mins to 30 days) and students can take part in them in class, at home, or wherever.
If you want your students to access your challenge, you need to provide them with the challenge URL. To do this, click on the "Challenge" icon on the home page, scroll down to the challenge that you want to share, then copy the URL from the URL box and share this with your students.(Only Premium and Group subscribers can use challenges.)
See this blog post on challenges, and this blog post on the differences between sequences and challenges.