Multiple-resource sequences

This post explores a new feature in textivate sequences. (Don't know what a sequence is? Look here for starters.)


The above sequence (in French) is based on 9 separate resources, each one dealing with a different section of the same story. (It's a description of the action from a Simon's Cat video called Fly Guy -- the sequence is actually made up of all of the activities featured on this blog post.)

If you try out the sequence, you'll see that as you complete one activity and click on the "Next" button, you are taken to a different activity based on the next piece of text -- each piece of text is actually a separate textivate file.

So how is this done?

Well, the easiest way is to open textivate in 2 separate browser tabs: one with an empty text box so that you can create your sequence and one that you use to open resources and get the urls.

Start by typing the following into your empty "Show all" text box:



Then, using the other browser tab, open the activities that you want to include in your sequence and copy the share url for each activity and paste it into your sequence list, one line per activity, like this:


Then, click on the "Sequence" tab and configure the activities, setting targets for them etc. (see the example below based on the sequence featured in this blog post):

You should then end up with something like this in the "Show all" text box: 

3x4-l9jjn1-e0-target:80% (Autocheck: Off)
gapfill-p9jjn1-e1001-target:70% (Show wordlist, Default gaps, Autocheck: On)
nextword-t9jjn1-e3-target:70% (3-word chunks)
anagrams-u9jjn1-e3-target:70% (1 in 3 words)
4x5-v9jjn1-e0-target:80% (Autocheck: Off)

(Note in the list above that the "" bit has been removed automatically.)

Then... Click the protected check box (or simply add ###protected### to the very top of the resource in the "Show all" box to protect it), and that's it!

(You'll notice that you can't textivate the text -- if you click on the "textivate now" button it won't let you textivate it.)

Now, simply upload your resource to textivate. For resources such as this which contain a sequence based on external resources, the only upload option is SHAREABLE. (You can't make it public, private or mysite.)

Once you've saved it, you can click on the share icon and get the share url:

It is possible to embed a sequence based on external resources, but to do so you need to start the sequence, then click on the share icon on any of the activity screens for the sequence, select the "Link / embed sequence" option, and copy the embed code, like this:

And here is that embedded sequence:

Click below to access the activity. (Opens in a new window on touch devices.)
Click here to open the above activity in a new window.

So you are no longer limited to one resource when setting an activity sequence for homework, classwork or assessment.

Good, eh?


Related posts:

Introducing Sequences on textivate

More on textivate sequences

LIGHT - an embedded KS3 Science sequence of 10 activities

Chez moi (a textivate sequence = a substantial bit of homework)

How to submit work at the end of a textivate homework sequence

Resource preview option.

"Protected" resources.

