Parallel text idea...

Just toying with the idea of adding a parallel text feature to textivate.

I thought I'd try it first with the parallel (L1) text as an image.

Here's my text in English:

The French version of the text is in this textivate resource:
(Click on the image icon -- the butterfly -- to see the parallel text as an image.)

Here it is with the text (image) visible.

Here's an embedded activity. (You need to click the picture icon to open the activity in a separate screen along with the English text.)

Picture prompt for your textivities - exploiting a picture with textivate

Just as you can add a video to your textivate resources, as explained here, you can now add an image to a textivate resource so that students can view it along with the activities.

As with video and audio embedding, there are 2 methods:

1. Via the "Extras" tab

Simply click on the Extras tab and type or paste the link to your image in the "Image url" box.

"Text preview" option for sequences...

We've added a new feature to sequences

If you'd like your students to be able to read through the text / vocab for your resource before they begin a sequence, you can now click on a check box when you create your sequence so that this feature is added to your sequence.

This then adds the text ###preview### into the sequence text in the "Show all" tab...

...which, of course, you could do manually if you prefer.

The embedded sequence below demonstrates what the preview looks like. (If a log-in box appears, close it to view the preview screen.)

Les punitions de Bart

I had the text for this resource in a TaskMagic3 file. I'm not sure where it came from originally, but it's probably from one of several sites that list all of Bart's "lines" as they appear on the blackboard at the beginning of The Simpsons in French. e.g.

It's a great resource for focusing on negative structures, as well as for future tense practice (along with revision of other tenses).

Here is the resource on textivate: with a parallel text.

It has the text of 18 "punitions" plus translations below. (About 60 activities in total).

It's dead easy to create similar resources in minutes with textivate.

I've included some of the worksheets below, printed straight from the textivate screens:
(See this blog post on worksheet printing with textivate)

Menu screen glossing...

If you create a resource based on a text AND a set of matching items, textivate now adds a clickable glossary to your text on the menu screen.

Textivate looks for your matching items in the text, and if it finds any of them, it adds a clickable link which students can use to see the translation of that word or phrase.

See this example:
(It's the resource shown in the image above.)

This blog post explains how to create a resource based on text AND matching items (a.k.a. a Text+Match resource).

Hope you like this feature.


Cendrillon (Cinderella)

Some textivate resources based on a French story in parallel text form, one of the many fabulous free resources available on : -- It really is worth subscribing for access to 100s of French printable resources for all levels.

About 60 interactive textivate resources based on the story and the parallel sentences here:

And some pdfs below:

(Note that the pdf is 23 pages long and contains a variety of resources printed from textivate, intended to give a flavour of the sort of things you can do with textivate):