2014 - año del selfie

Suitable for AS Spanish?

Here is the resource on textivate: http://www.textivate.com/menu-5rljn1

See the pdf resources below - plenty of sequencing activities to choose from, plus a gapfill, a separate the words activity, and anagrams text, an initials text and a fill in the vowels text.

Here's a link to the full article, from which an extract was taken for the resources below: http://www.bbc.co.uk/mundo/noticias/2014/12/141210_trending_selfie_2014_gtg

Here are those 11 pdfs (in no particular order):

Making a Multiple-Choice Quiz with Textivate

In a recent post, I explained how it was possible to add your own incorrect answers for use in the multi-match activities in textivate.

Here is that blog post, in case you missed it.

This essentially means that you can create multiple-choice quizzes or tests. You can even specify whether the questions should be presented in sequence or in random order.

Here's an example. (I've protected the resource, so you can't get back to the original to get the answers):

Printing textivate worksheets in Internet Explorer

Previously, worksheet printing in IE didn't really work on textivate.

It's fixed now :0)

You now get the activity opening in a new screen, with a print button.

You can click the print button to print the content, OR right-click the page and choose "Print preview" if you want to change the margins, zoom etc and remove dates, headers, footers etc.

It works great on the versions of IE that I've tried it on.

The print preview feature with the zoom etc means you can get much more precise worksheets than you can even with Google Chrome!

Colour schemes (not so blue any more)

We've added a "palette" icon to the home page and menu screens on textivate. It looks like this:

If you click on it (on textivate, not here) it will change the colour scheme, background colours etc. 

You can also specify a colour in your resource links / embed codes etc.

We'll add more colours later.

See the examples below. Open each activity to see the different colours.

Multiple-resource sequences

This post explores a new feature in textivate sequences. (Don't know what a sequence is? Look here for starters.)


The above sequence (in French) is based on 9 separate resources, each one dealing with a different section of the same story. (It's a description of the action from a Simon's Cat video called Fly Guy -- the sequence is actually made up of all of the activities featured on this blog post.)

If you try out the sequence, you'll see that as you complete one activity and click on the "Next" button, you are taken to a different activity based on the next piece of text -- each piece of text is actually a separate textivate file.

So how is this done?

Well, the easiest way is to open textivate in 2 separate browser tabs: one with an empty text box so that you can create your sequence and one that you use to open resources and get the urls.

Start by typing the following into your empty "Show all" text box:

Red herrings in user-defined gap-fill

If you make a user-defined gap-fill on textivate (as explained here and here) you can now add "RED HERRING" words to the word list.

These are words that cannot fit into any of the gaps that you have selected and they make the exercise more challenging for the student.

To add red herrings, first create your user-defined gap-fill by clicking on the "User-defined gapfill" button on the textivate home page:

With the user-defined gap-fill edit screen open, scroll down to beneath the box containing your text and you should see a section like this:

You can add extra words (or groups of words) into this box, separating your red herrings with semi-colons, like this:

Clues / prompts for user-defined gaps

If you make a user-defined gap-fill on textivate (as explained here and here) you can now add clues or prompts for some or all of your gaps.

To do this, first create your user-defined gap-fill by clicking on the button on the textivate home page:

Then close the user-defined gap-fill edit box. This adds [#] in front of the words (or groups of words) that you have selected as gaps. 

Then type your clue or prompt after the # on the textivate edit screen (in the "Text" box or the "Show all" box), like this:
[#your clue here]the_gapped_word

You might end up with a text that looks something like this: