New Year's Resolutions, FRENCH (a resource blog)

Some textivate resources for ks3 or ks4 French, based on these TaskMagic resources.

The contents for the resources are:
- Je vais...
- Je ne vais pas...
- J'ai l'intention de...
- Je vais essayer de...
+ a range of infinitive expressions

The resources are appropriate for KS3 or KS4 pupils as a way of practising the simple future within the context of the New Year.

Text activity: Jumbled Words

Jumbled Words splits the text using full stops and line breaks. (Short sentences of fewer than 3 words are combined, and long sentences are split using other punctuation, where possible.) 

Students complete the activity by putting the words of each section of the text into the correct order.

See the embedded example below (the same resource as in the image above):

Drop-down boxes to replace +tiles and -tiles buttons

We've made a small change to the way that you navigate between some of the activities on textivate.

The +tiles and -tiles buttons have gone and have been replaced by a drop-down box (see the image below).

This makes it easier to navigate directly to the number of tiles that you want to see in your activity.

These changes have been made to the following screens on the text side:

Tiles (all), Horizontal, Paragraphs, Next Word, 50:50, Initials, Empty, Anagrams

...and the following screens on the Match side:

Shuffle Match, Switch Match, Click Match (all), Memory (all)
