How to make vocab resources with a receptive focus - good for GCSE R/L revision

Vocab resources with a receptive (or input) focus ask the question "what does ... mean?" rather than "how do you say ...?"

The focus is on students' receptive skills (listening, reading) rather than on productive skills (speaking, writing), so they are less challenging for students. We want to know what they can understand rather than what they can produce themselves.

The screen image above shows a textivate Match resource which has the following characteristics:

Making a reading resource with multiple choice matching to check / reinforce comprehension.

This link opens the activity shown in the image above:

This is a cool way of checking and reinforcing understanding of key elements of a text. In this case it is a very short text, but the same principle could easily apply to any text.

What we have here is essentially a reading activity with a multiple choice matching activity. Note the following: