Chez moi... (space insert example - French)

The exercise embedded below is the "Space" exercise, the one accessed via this button on the textivate menu page:

It requires you to click to separate the words, and indeed anywhere where there should be

a space, some punctuation, or whatever.

The example below is based on a short text desribing a house in French. This is a 'public' text, and you can access the front page for the text here: and the menu page for the text here:

Click below to access the activity. (Opens in a new window on touch devices.)
Click here to open the above activity in a new window.

Before you start clicking, you'll see that you have some info in the bottom left of the exercise: 0/91 means that you have completed 0 out of 91 clicks required to complete the exercise. Once you start clicking, you'll also see a percentage score, which tells you what percentage of your clicks have been correct.



