Changes to gap-fill screens and worksheets

The Gap-fill (random) and the Gap-fill (user-defined) activities have changed in the following ways:

1. Word list

Textivate now fits the list of words into the space in the bottom third of the screen in boxes that fit to the size of the word, rather than as up to 6 rows of 3 items per row as before.

2. Numbering and lettering

Previously, the words in the word list were numbered and the gaps weren't numbered at all. 

Now the gaps are numbered and the words in the word list are lettered (A-Z). (As before, letters don't appear on word list for very small screen sizes.)

3. More gaps possible

As a result of the above changes, you can now have up to 26 gaps in a gap-fill exercise.

4. Changing the number of gaps in the random gap-fill

Previously, there was a "- gap" and a "+ gap" button to add or remove a gap, one gap at a time. 

Now, there is a selector, allowing you to choose the number of gaps you'd like to see in the exercise.

5. Worksheets

Numbering of gaps and lettering of words in the word list applies to worksheets too. 

Plus we've improved the resizing for worksheets so that they fill the page much better than before. See the example below:

N.B. We recommend Google Chrome for worksheet printing.

Here's an embedded example of the above gap-fill activity:

Click below to access the activity. (Opens in a new window on touch devices.)
Click here to open the above activity in a new window.
