Circling questions (just trying something out...)

Just trying something out: activities based on TPRS-style "circling" questions. What do you think? The plan is to make a tool that can help teachers to generate circling questions based on their text, that can be used in the ways shown here. The image (above) includes a parallel text. The circling questions appear in a specific order.

>> Try it here <<

Or try it below as an embedded activity. It's based on this text:

Hay un chico. El chico se llama Juanito. A Juanito le gustan los gatos. Juanito no tiene gato, pero quiere un gato. Quiere un gato rojo.

Click below to access the activity. (Opens in a new window on touch devices.)
Click here to open the above activity in a new window.

Or how about as a football game with random-order questions? (would only work for a short text such as this one...)

>> Try it here <<


